Kijiji, the popular online classified site is a place where you can buy pretty much anything under the sun – jobs, houses, vacation rentals, twerking lessons, Isa red chickens or a dresser possessed by the spirit of an ex-girlfriend.
But by far the biggest section on the site is autos. Ten years ago when the site first launched there were about 15,000 car ads and in 2014 there were more than 4.7 million.
Kijiji has the largest inventory of cars in Canada and every month more than four million people visit the site to look for cars. In fact, the autos section is about a third of the traffic to the entire site.
So after 10 years, the Globe and Mail asked people who work at Kijiji about the weirdest and funniest vehicle ads they have ever seen on the site.
Check out the top 5 weirdest Kijiji car ads: